John Smart RSA

1838 - 1899
John Smart, R.S.A., was born in Leith in 1838, and was educated at the High School there. He was apprenticed to his father, who was an engraver, and as a student attended the Board of Trustees School of Design, where, during his course of study from 1853 to 1858, he carried off several prizes. For a short time he studied landscape painting under Horatio MacCulloch, R.S.A., and in 1860 showed his first picture in the Royal Scottish Academy, entitled "Peep through the Trees." From that time onwards he was a constant and liberal contributor to its Annual Exhibition. Shortly after the commencement of his Art career, he painted scenery in Wales and in the Lowlands. Subsequently he turned his attention almost entirely to the Highlands, which supplied him with subjects for a long series of works.
As a painter in Watercolours he produced many works, among which may be mentioned a series- "The Golfing Greens of Scotland," which were afterwards etched by George Aikman, A.R.S.A. He was elected to the rank of Associate of the Royal Scottish Academy in 1871, and to that of Academician in 1876. Until the last his artistic power remained unimpaired. He died on 1st June, at his residence in Edinburgh.